Prayer Zine
Working on the streets of San Francisco, I wanted to offer a low budget, easily carry-able book of prayers to hand out to those who wanted it. With my cohort, we developed a prayer zine. The zine is a DIY small book for people to create their own pamphlets, and this one can be made from one singular piece of paper. If you have access to a computer, you can build your own zine with your favorite blessings, mantras, poems, songs, etc. to guide you through your day. Without a computer, you can take a pre-made zine that is oriented towards a certain path; Christian, Jewish, environmental secular, etc. This zine can be used in any context where you want an easy-to-make prayer book to have in your back pocket.
The zine format lends itself well to a classroom, giving students the chance to work with a format and personalize the prayers to their own needs. The fungibility of the zine allows people to use it to their own needs within a framework.
Zine Template: Edit it as needed, then print, cut and fold for your zine.
Example: A prayer zine made by Loree Farrar on the occasion of a friend’s passing